Wednesday 11 June 2008

Help is at hand!

So this blog has seen a serious deterioration in posting frequency this year. There have been a few reasons, some work-related, others personal, but all related to my finite bandwidth.

I've finally gotten some help in place. I've now got Mr Lee Sze Yong in as a part-time Legislative Assistant, to help with my Parliamentary work and other activities including maintaining this blog. Sze Yong, who is also a member of and the part-time secretariat for MARUAH Singapore, has extensive civil society experience (certainly more than me!) including 3+ years with AWARE and counting, and maintains two personal blogs at and I daresay he is over-qualified for this role.

Ms Phua Shuyan, a law student in a US university, has also asked to be my intern. Given that I run my NMPship from my head and a notebook, it's been a little challenging figuring out how to make this meaningful for her. But we're going to make it up as we go along, and hopefully things will turn out fine.

So finally, I can say with some confidence: watch this space!

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